REST APIs Development at Prime Trust - 2 years

  • Main API Codebase
    • Technology Stack: Utilized the Roda framework, Redis for caching and data storage, and PostgreSQL.
    • Testing Framework: Employed RSpec for comprehensive unit testing and Postman collections for integration testing.
    • Payment Processing: Developed custom Rails APIs to seamlessly handle ACH, wire, RTP, and credit/debit card payments, providing secure, versatile payment options for users.
  • Credit Card Microservice
    • Technology Stack: Implemented using Ruby on Rails, adhering to stringent PCI compliance standards which include a no database restriction.
    • Integration: Seamlessly communicated with the main API codebase to facilitate payment transactions without sending PCI data to the main API codebase.
    • External Services: Leveraged the external card tokenizer, Vantiv, to enhance payment security, and Forter for robust fraud detection and payment approval mechanisms.
  • Ledger Microservices
    • Technology Stack: A microservices-based system using TypeScript to allow for more modularity and scalability.
    • Integration: Developed multiple TypeScript microservices that interact seamlessly with each other, the main APIs, and external APIs provided by Taxibit.
    • External Services: Utilized external APIs from Taxibit to streamline portfolio and tax document creation, enhancing user experience and functionality.

Django REST APIs for Personal Projects - 2 years

  • Expertise: Proficient in Django’s REST framework and development of RESTful endpoints. Solid understanding of creating custom features, including user authentication using a custom user model and token expiration, implementing CRUD operations on objects, handling input payload serialization, and employing viewsets. Demonstrated capability in enhancing scalability and modularity through the strategic separation of major functionalities into distinct Django apps.
  • AWS SES Integration: Integrated AWS SES (Simple Email Service) into Django projects for reliable and scalable email functionalities such as password resets and sending invitations.
  • Database: Leveraged PostgreSQL databases for data storage.
  • Testing: Utilized the Django test framework and Postman as a testing tool to evaluate API endpoints functionality and performance.
  • Ongoing Project: Currently engaged in the development of APIs for a Greek life recruitment app, where I’m responsible for architecting, implementing, and maintaining the backend infrastructure.

Fintech knowledge

  • Payment Rails Services: Deep understanding of how ACH, Wire, Credit Card and RTP are processed
  • Credit Cards: In depth knowledge on credit card tokenization, processing transactions, PCI compliance and theft/fraud prevention
  • Ledger: How to set up a ledger to monitor all cash, crypto and asset transactions done with our APIs and work with external services to provide users with statements and tax documents


  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Certified
  • Currently working on my AWS Developer Associate Certification
  • This static website is running all thanks to AWS:
    • Hosted on AWS s3
    • Domain alecfunke.com purchased through AWS Route 53
    • SSL certificate issued by Amazon Certificate Manager
    • Cached and delivered to you by AWS CloudFront


  • Advanced Coding Languages: Python, Ruby, C, C++
  • Proficient Coding Languages: PostgreSQL, Typescript
  • Familiar Coding Languages: CSS, Go, Groovy, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, MATLAB, Node JS, React, Verilog


Communication and Leadership

  • GM SDV Senior Software Engineer: Mentored junior engineers on the team and looked for ways to improve the current processes at GM
  • Prime Trust Senior Engineer: Mentored junior engineers and incoming engineers
  • GM Rotational Engineer Supervisor: Supervised projects, provided mentorship and guidance to rotation engineers entering the group
  • Code Pairing: I’ve have always enjoyed collaborating with teammates at GM, Prime Trust and with friends on personal projects. I’ve done code pairings in person, on MS Teams, Google Meets, Zoom and Tuple.
  • Feel free to take a visit my About Me page if you haven’t already to see what I’m like outside of software engineering!